ECB Room 2048 - Bio-Resource
Spray and wipe all surfaces with 70% ethanol when done.
Reserve equipment (and thus the room) with both:
Your Name-Equipment Name-Start (for the duration of time planned to initiate equipment while physically in the room)
and Your Name-Equipment Name-End (for the duration of time planned to end use of experiment and physically be in the room).
Required safety training for the lab:
- Chemical Safety Training
- Cryogen safety training Part 1
- Biosafety Required Training Course
- Biosafety 106: Autoclave use
Follow this guideline for proper disposal of waste.
Room Schedule
Do NOT enter the room if it has been scheduled.
Available Resources
High Performance (Ultra) Centrifuge

Schedule via scheduling the room
Microm Microtome Cryostat Sectioner
- User Manual
- Note: No human tissue or biologically infectious samples

Schedule via scheduling the room
Primus Sterilizer (26" x 26" x 39")
Other Autoclaves
- Medium Autoclave (15" W x 15" H x 28" D)

Schedule via scheduling the room
Refrigeration / Storage
- Cryostorage - Thermo Jr.
- Freezer -80°C x2
- General Fridge 4°C
- General Freezer -20°C
- Flammables Fridge (4°C) and Freezer (-20°C)

LN2 Filling/Ordering Schedule
MDS Airgas room delivery P/N: NI 180LT22C162
- Jan - March: Campagnola Lab
- April - June: Kinney Lab
- July - Sept.: McClean Lab
- Oct. - Dec.: Notbohm Lab

Schedule via scheduling the room